Monday, July 8, 2024

Galileo and Ockham

1. Ockham was described as a nominalist because he believed that experiences which people had that brought them to conclusions that there exist the colors of red, or coolness, or honor, were only in their minds and redness or coolness or honor did not exist outside of their minds.
2. Ockham's razor is the term used to how people should approach philosophical views. Ockham viewed that if there were extraneous explanations to how things worked that went beyond that of the subject material as is then it is unwarranted and uneeded. Ockhams razor was used to simplify the extraenous explanations of such and such and coincided with his nominalistic views. That there only is and whatever else isnt
3. When the razor is applied to the problem of universals, The part that is left is the actual thing itself that exists on the physical plane, anything apart from that is cut off and does not exist.
4. mere belief is "based on sensory information and therefore prone to error, is nevertheless adequate for our usual needs"
5. Ockham's notion of the importance of mere belief being substantial would be important in british philosophy for years to come.
6. "Nicholas of Autrecourt stated that efforts to apply philosophical reasoning to christine doctrine have failed and should be abandoned."
7. They applied rational methods in order to come up with paradoxical results. Why it was important? I cannot find the answer.
8. Cusa stated since there are so many contradictins in philosophy it does not matter for God is able to unite even the contradictions. It did not work because it didn't make any sense.
9. Galileo rejected the method of inquiry by first going to authortitative texts such as Aristottles works, and then seeing it from their eyes.
10. Galileos preferred method was going to the materials under scrunity directly and firstly.
11. Galileo had so many enemies for his works underminded the views and authority of the western Christendom.
12. Galileo is mainly remembered for his astronomical works that proved that the sun was the center of the universe andd how the planets orbited, and that earth wasn't a sole planet, and there weren't any "celestial spheres"
13. The telescope.
14. By ridiculing them. he not only proved them wrong, but he founded them ,ridiculed them and put them at a loss for words.
15. Their reactions showed that premodern mentality was very closed minded, arrogant, and defensive. Modern thinking would invite all new ideas with applause and if found to be true, would welcome it.
16. He erroneously believed that they were atmospheric phenomena like meteorites.
17. ?
18. He believed the rotation of the earth's axis was responsible.
19. It was actually the "occult" power of the moon.
20. It was a radical departure from scholastic thinking becuase it did not involve "God"?

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